The Gathering Place for Great Performances at the Gateway to Woodstock, New York; Uniting Country Living with Fulfilled Expectations of Great Quality Performances; Rooted in the Founding of Woodstock: The Town, The Festival and The Destination
The Non-Profit Iconic Site of American Theatre & Music History Established 1938 as One of the First Rural Extensions of Broadway
by Robert Elwyn, A 5th Generation Member of One of Woodstock's Oldest Families
Apprenticeships & Education
Click here for your printable Apprenticeship Candidate Application
Academy of Theatre Arts at the Woodstock Playhouse FAQ:
Where does the program take place?
Woodstock Playhouse, 103 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock NY 12498
and Studios of the Academy, 120 Schildknecht Road, Hurley NY 12443
When does the program take place?
The program takes place during summer stock season, June thru August with flex days and hours. While the professional cast and crew of the summer stock season have a full-time schedule from June thru August, we realize that this may be impossible for some apprentices; therefore, a “flex days/hours” system is in place, giving the apprentices some flexibility in scheduling. That being said, apprentices are welcome to take advantage of the full time schedule.
Who are appropriate candidates for the program?
Rising young candidates who are respectful, intelligent and an honestly talented in the fields of Performance, Tech Theatre, Managerial, Directorial and Music; ages 16 thru 19.
What if I or someone older than 19 is interested in the program?
Candidates over the age of 19 may submit their interest via an emailed letter of interest accompanied by their performance resume/headshot, or business resume. Such candidate submissions will be considered for internships or entry level employment positions.
What is an overview of the program?
As an apprentice, you will work and train in a summer stock setting side by side with industry directors, choreographers, designers, and the professional cast of the Woodstock Playhouse Productions Summer Stock season. Performance opportunities, tech duties, and professional training will be provided throughout the season, giving the career minded individual experience, résumé credits, and a network for future employment and understanding of college programs and regional theater circuits.
Will I receive an interview or audition appointment to meet with the playhouse team?
Once you submit your apprentice candidate application, you will be contacted with either an appointment time / specifics for an interview date, or be asked to submit a video reel of your performance talents. Again, respectful, intelligent and honestly talented individuals with a desire to share a summer stock experience as a member of a company noted for presenting the finest of productions and supporting the rise of young professionals (whose Woodstock Playhouse credits gain notice for them throughout the industry) will be first to have their names placed on the cast list of limited apprentice spaces.
What is the cost of the program?
Does this include housing or meals?
Housing is not provided for apprentices; you must arrange for your own housing or commute daily. The cost of the program does not include meals. A meal plan is available if desired for an additional fee.
Are there any scholarships available?
Scholarship awards based on talent and experience are granted after acceptance into the program if the review team feels it is overwhelmingly and unanimously desired for an outstanding candidate.
To where may I address any further questions?
WoodstockPlayhouseCGM@gmail.com, attention Douglas Farrell, Company General Manager

Performing Arts Training for Ages 4-Adult
and Summer Camp Programs for Ages 7-16
Both year-round performing arts training in acting, dance and voice as well as Summer Musical Theatre and Drama Camps are available through our sister campus and official performing arts educational facility of the Woodstock Playhouse, the New York Conservatory for the Arts. Click Here for more information and registration information for NYCA's Season of Classes in Acting, Singing, Dancing - Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Piano, Play Writing and Performance AND Summer Performing Arts Workshop.
Visit the New York Conservatory for the Arts website at www.NYCA.org for details, class schedules and registration applications.
